- 昨天你去过教堂吗? Were you at church yesterday?
- 昨天你去过教堂吗? Were you at church yesterday?
- 你去过约克大教堂吗? Have you been to the York Minster?
- 你去过约克大教堂吗? Have you been to the York Minster?
- 昨天你去溜冰[钓鱼,浏览,采蘑茹]了吗? Did you go skating [fishing, sight-seeing, collecting mushrooms] yesterday?
- 你去教堂吗? Do you go to church(= regularly attend church services)?
- 昨天你过得愉快吗? Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?
- 谁将陪你去机场? Who will accompany you to the airport?
- 昨天你在公园玩得高兴吗? Did you enjoy yourself at the park yesterday?
- 你去过大连没有? Have you ever been to Dalian?
- 昨天你在动物园玩得愉快吗? Did you enjoy yourself in the zoo yesterday?
- 男士: 你去过芝加哥没有? Have you ever been to Chicago?
- 这么冷的天气不要等公共汽车了,我把车开来送你去办公室。 Don't wait for the bus in this cold weather; I'll get the car and run you across to your office.
- 你去游泳馆游的泳? Did you go to swim in the indoor swimming pool?
- 你去给炉子添加燃料好吗? Would you please fire the furnace?
- 明天晚上谁送你去电影院? Who is going to take you to the cinema tomorrow night?
- 你最近到上海去过吗? Have you been to Shanghai lately?
- 你去赛马场赌一下吗? Are you going to lay a bet on the Derby?
- 我们出去过周末,你说好不好? Let's go away for a weekend. What do you say?
- 买棉花田杀虫剂的事你去办办好吗? Will you see about getting insecticide for the cotton fields?