- 昨天你去溜冰了吗? Did you go skating yesterday?
- 昨天你去溜冰[钓鱼,浏览,采蘑茹]了吗? Did you go skating [fishing, sight-seeing, collecting mushrooms] yesterday?
- 昨天你去溜冰[钓鱼,浏览,采蘑茹]了吗? Did you go skating [fishing, sight-seeing, collecting mushrooms] yesterday?
- 他已学会溜冰了吗? Has he learned how to skate?
- 你去溜冰吗? Do you go skating?
- 昨天你去哪了? Where did you go yesterday?
- 你想和我去溜冰吗? Would you like to go skating with me?
- 昨天都来过呀。昨天你忽略了附近一个特别重要的地方。 You overlooked a very important place close to it yesterday.
- 昨天你购物了吗? Did you do some shopping yesterday?
- 你去溜冰中心溜吗? Do you skate at the skating centres?
- 这么冷的天气不要等公共汽车了,我把车开来送你去办公室。 Don't wait for the bus in this cold weather; I'll get the car and run you across to your office.
- 昨天你收到情人节卡片了吗? Did you get any valentines cards yesterday?
- 我的钱不多了!我无法借钱给你去买汽车。 I'm not made of money! I can't afford to lend you money to buy a car.
- 你去那儿了吗? Have you headed there?
- 昨天你看见琼斯先生了吗? Did you see Mr. Jones yesterday?
- 今晚我不能和你去酒馆喝酒了,因为我的钱用完了。 I can't come out with you to the pub tonight because I haven't a penny to my name.
- 你去参观那座佛寺了吗? Did you go to visit the Buddhist temple?
- 昨天你不去上学。 You were absent from school yesterday.
- 昨天你过得愉快吗? Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?
- 说起旅行,你去过雅典了吗? Talking of travel, have you been to athens yet?