- 春节有什么特别的呢? What makes Spring Festival special?
- 但是,将克里斥为"马萨诸塞州自由主义派"又有什么特别的政治意义呢? But what is so politically significant about denouncing Kerry as a "Massachusetts liberal"?
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 对于马术来说又有什么特别的呢? What's special for equestrian?
- 如果有什么特别的要求,请告诉我。 If you have any special request, p1ease 1et me know.
- 耶和华如此说,你们的列祖见我有什么不义,竟远离我,随从虚无的神,自己成为虚妄的呢。 What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain?
- 你对性别歧视有什么特别的见解? Do you have any particular views on sexual discrimination?
- 这有什么可奇怪的呢?我看没有。 Is there anything surprising about it? I don't think so.
- 这些符号有什么特别的含义吗? Do these symbols have any particular significance?
- 当然我会和她交换意见的,看看他对这件事有什么想法。 Of course I'll talk with her and see what she thinks of the matter.
- 买这台无用的机器有什么意思的呢? What's the purpose of buying this useless machine?
- 事到如今,阿特感到有点蹊跷,不禁问那声音:“什么特别的人?”。 By now Art was gettting a little cranky. " What special person?" he asked the voice.
- 她有什么好跟新郎对着干的呢? What could she have had against the groom?
- "我不在的时候有什么特别的事发生吗?" 什么事也没有--还是老样子。" "Anything special happened during my absence?" "Nothing whatever-just the usual run of things."
- 先生,您有什么特别的吩咐吗? Yes,do you have any special instruction on me?
- 如果你们有什么问题要问我们的客座讲演者,请现在开始提。 If you have any questions for our guest speaker, open fire now.
- 你换工作有什么特别的原因吗? Is there any special reason for changing your job?
- 约翰从小就爱骗人,我早就知道他不会有什么好结果的。 John was deceitful even as a child. I knew he would come to no good.
- 临终前的悔罪固然不错,但对她的受害者又有什么用处呢? A death-bed repentance is all very well but what good will it do for her victims?
- 你能发现有什么特别的东西吗? Could you find anything in peculiarity?