- 时间是怎么过的?我现在不知道如果填补我生命的空缺,那些你轻易抹杀掉的爱。 And how time goes And now I don't even know How to fill in the spaces of the love you erased in my life.
- 今年的情人节你是怎么过?忘了,反正不是和情人一起过的。 What did you do during the last valentine's Day? I forgot it. But I am sure that I was not with my lover that day.
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 那本书使我非常入迷,以致使我忘记了时间是如何过的。 That book so fascinated me that I forgot how the time was going .
- 夜生活你都是怎么过的? How do you spend your evenings?
- 我不知道你这么长时间是怎么忍受他的。 I don't know how you stuck that man for so long.
- 我只记得我关机时间是4点但我忘了在什么时候开的机了。 I only remembered that I logged off at 4 o'clock. But I forgot the time when I logged on.
- 他们大部分的时间是在户外过的。 They spend most of their time out of doors.
- 你是怎么过单身生活的? How are you handling your single life?
- 到美国来旅游的人有时会问美国各州的名字是怎么得来的。 People who visit the United States sometimes wonder how the states got their names.
- 如果天空多云,那么实际的晨昏蒙影时间是相当短的了。 If the sky is cloudy the duration of the real twilight is of course considerably shorter.
- 你假期怎么过的? How did you doing spend your holiday?
- 存取时间是寻道时间和旋转等待时间与命令处理开销的和。 Access time is the sum of seek time and rotational latency and command processing overhead.
- 上帝才知道他是怎么仍活着。他肯定像猫一样,有九条命。 God knows how he's still alive. He must have nine lives like a cat.
- 我不知他们靠这一点收入日子怎么过的。 I don't know how they make do on so small an income.
- 天国花园餐厅提代减价鸡尾酒的时间是每天下午6时至7时。 Happy hour is between 6 and 7 p.m. at Celestial Gardens.
- 你知道鸡是怎么能够从网里跑出来的吗? Do you know how the chickens were able to squeak through the net?
- 这本书的时间是19世纪初期,艾略特描述了几名主角和许多次要人物在一个类似她生活过的乡间小镇里的生活情景。 In the novel Eliot goes back in time to the early part of the 19th century and follows the lives of several main characters and many lesser ones in a small provincial town-- one very similar to the town near which she grew up.
- 你是怎么过单身生活的? How are you handling your single life?