- 早上你听新闻了吗? Didyou listento the news in the morning?
- 亚卓安:亲爱的,你听到那则新闻了吗? Adrian: Darling, have you heard the news?
- 我每天晚上听新闻广播。 I listen to the news broadcast every evening.
- 亨利,今天早上你听到天气预报没有? Did you hear the weather forecast this morning,Henry?
- 你看了关于选举的新闻了吗? Have you read the news about the election?
- 早上你散步了吗? Did you go for a walk in the morning ?
- 你听 there
- “范林丁,”监狱长说,“明天早上你就可以出狱了,要活出个人样来。 "Now, Valentine," said the warden, "You'll go out in the morning. Make a man of yourself.
- 你听到敲门声了吗? Did you hear the knocks at the door?
- 你看到报纸上的新闻了吗 ,malcolm? Did you read the story in the paper, Malcolm?
- “范林丁,”监狱长说,“明天早上你就可以出狱了,要活出个人样来。” "Now,Valentine," said the warden,"You'll go out in the morning. Make a man of yourself."
- 你听到天气预告了吗? Did you hear the weather forecast?
- 你听世界杯的广播了吗? Did you listen to the broadcast of the World Cup Match?
- 我想你听了他的话后竭力克制才没去揍他。 I think you showed great restraint in not hitting him after what he said.
- 今天早上你觉得达到标准了吗? Do you feel up to the mark this morning?
- 你听懂了吗? Do you see?
- 如果你听见我告诉史密斯我明天不能见他,就别再去对他说我能见他了。 If you hear me telling Smith that I can't see him tomorrow, don't go and say anything to the contrary.
- 你听说那件事了吗? You have heard about the story?
- 彼: 亨利,今天早上你听到天气预报没有? Did you hear the weather forecast this morning, Henry?
- 你今天早上是怎么啦?脸色这么难看。早上起身下错床了吗? What's wrong with you this morning? You look terrible. Did you get out of bed from the wrong side?