- 无机N肥 Inorganic nitrogen fertilizer
- 利用豆科紫云英轮作还田,可降低44%的无机N肥用量,溶解性N浓度显著降低,是减小稻季N肥流失环境风险的有效途径。 Incorporating Chinese Milk Vetch into soil can reduce the chemical N fertilizer application rate by 44%25, and also diminish the environmental risk of N runoff.
- 无机N Inorganic N
- N肥 N fertilizer
- N肥用量 amount of nitrogen
- 控释N肥 Controlled release of N fertilizer
- 增肥 getting fat
- 施纯N肥 pure nitrogen
- 无机复合材料 inorganic composite
- 农民用有机肥料和无机肥料来提高土壤的肥力。 Farmers enrich the soil with organic and inorganic manures.
- N肥施用量 N amount
- 布莱克市长辞去了石油公司总裁的职务,以避自肥之嫌。 Mayor Blake gave up the presidency of the oil company to avoid conflict of interest.
- 按模n计数 count modulo n
- 把塑料布铺盖在肥堆上,并用木桩固定好,以加速肥料腐烂。 A plastic sheet was pegged down over the compost heap to hasten decomposition.
- s-o-n-g拼成"song"一字。 s-o-n-g spells "song".
- 农夫试图把瘦牛养肥以上市。 The farmer tried to fatten the lean cattle for market.
- 按模数N校验 modulo n check
- 氨肥 ammonia fertilizer
- n. 克 g.
- 这儿的土够肥的。 The soil here is quite fertile.