- 旅馆内有美容院吗? Be there a beauty salon?
- 旅馆内有美容院(理发院)吗? Is there a beauty salon (barber shop)?
- 旅馆内有美容院吗? Be there a beauty salon?
- 旅馆中有美容院吗? Is there a beauty salon in this hotel ?
- 这儿附近有美容院吗? Is there a beauty parlor near here?
- 旅馆内服务周到,在一定程度上弥补了伙食差的缺陷。 The good service at the hotel made up for the poor food to some extent.
- 彼得和他太太一会儿和好,一会儿吵架,一个月内有几次。 Peter and his wife fall in and out several times in a month.
- 在内 including
- 你能推荐一家好的美容院吗? Can you recommend a good beauty parlour?
- 晚饭是内有填充物的辣椒,没人想吃。 We were having stuffed peppers that nigh and nobody wanted to eat them.
- 党内有必要加强团结。 There is a need for greater unity in the party.
- 旅馆内有美容院(理发院)吗? Is there a beauty salon(barber shop)?
- 瓶内有酒;水壶内有淡水;铁罐内有水。 The jar carries wine; The canteen holds fresh water; This can contains water.
- 新的法律内有防止政府滥用权力的措施。 The new law contains safeguards against the misuse of government power.
- 我们在营业区域内有十个营业所和三家子公司。 We have ten branches and three subsidiaries in our territory.
- 此槽内有流动的水,人们可以驾舟自高而下作滑水游戏用。 chute with flowing water down which toboggans and tubes and people slide into a pool.
- 南极圈和北极圈内有动物存在吗? Are there any animals in the polar circles?
- 这时候肺部切片可显示细支气管内有蛔蚴。 Sections of the lungs at this stage would show larvae in the bronchioles.
- 他国家内有一些人与敌人勾结,准备推翻女王。 Some of his countrymen had leagued with the enemy to destroy the power of the queen.
- 旅馆内有美容院(理发院)吗? Is there a beauty salon(barber shop)?