- 数字X射线摄影术 Digital Radiography
- 数字X射线摄影系统 digital radiography
- 直接数字X线摄影术 Direct digital radiography
- 对肺部作X射线摄影 to sciagraph the lung
- 数字 digital (electronics, etc.)
- 数字X射线机 digiter X-ray machine
- 软X射线摄影术 soft X-ray photography
- 数字X线摄影术 digital radiography
- 数字化X射线摄影 DR
- 妇产科X射线检查 X-ray examination in gynecology and obstetrics
- X射线摄影术 X-ray radiography
- 数字X线摄影设备选购若干问题的思考 The thinking for purchasing a digital X-ray machine
- X射线CT X-my CT
- 扫描式数字X射线胸部摄影系统的研制 Research of a digital X-ray radiography system for chest examinations based on line-scan
- 射线摄影术 radiography
- 数字X线照片影像质量相关因素初步分析 Digital X-ray film quality: the initial study of the related factors
- 断层摄影术X线 Tomagraph
- X射线光子 X-ray photon
- MECALL srl数字X线机的原理与使用维修 Principle and maintance of MECALL srl digital X-ray machine
- 热射线摄影术 thermo radiography