- 收拾 to put in order
- 整顿 rectify
- 收拾行李 pack luggage
- 幼儿园的老师们花了几个月的时间才把男孩子的班级整顿好。 It took the nursery teachers months to bring their class of boys under control.
- 收拾桌子 to clear the table
- 收拾东西 get things together
- 停业整顿 suspend business to bring up to standard
- 我收拾好行李上了岸。 I packed my traps and went on shore.
- 他们必须整顿工作作风。 They must rectify the style of work.
- 工作结束后请收拾好所有工具。 Please tidy away all the tools when you finish the work.
- 大力整顿旅游市场秩序。 We will make great efforts to rectify the order of the tourism market.
- 我收拾行李。 I pack my luggage.
- 整顿的核心是党的整顿。 The central task in putting things in order is to consolidate the Party.
- 顺便讲一讲整顿党的队伍。 Let me say a few words in passing about Party consolidation.
- "我把盘子收拾走后,孩子们就可以用桌子做作业了。" "I'll just clear the plates away, then the children can use the table to do their homework."
- 交通应予严加整顿。 Traffic should be strictly regulated.
- 儿子们在家呆了一整天,我肯定又得为他们收拾房子了。 The boys have been at home all day; I'll have to tidy the house as sure as eggs is eggs.
- 为了能按照她认为合适的方法去整顿这一部门,经理授予她自由行动的权力。 The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit.
- 工作结束后应该把工具收拾好。 You should pick up the tools after work.
- 他决定整顿他的生活。 He made a decision to straighten up his life.