- 接着他干了些什么? What did he do next ?
- 那你知道他干了些什么?拐走了他老师的妻子! And then do you know what he did? Waltzed off with his teacher's wife!
- 等儿子回家后,我要狠狠责骂他一顿!瞧他都干了些什么。 I'll tear my son apart when he comes home; look what he's done now!
- 他干了个通宵,还想第二天接着干,可是我们看到他已经筋疲力尽,就劝他停止工作。 He worked all night and wanted to go on working the next day, but wesaw that he was completely worn out and persuaded him to stop.
- 我能隔着墙听见他在电话里说了些什么。 I could hear what he was saying on the phone through the partition.
- 晚上他干些什么? What does he do in the evening ?
- 以美国有史以来第二位的最大多数票赢得的总统职务,他干了六个月就落得名存实亡了。 It made him lame duck six months into a presidency won by the second largest plurality in American history.
- 彼得弯下身去在费利克斯耳边低声说了些什么。 Peter leaned over and whispered something in Felix's ear.
- 他的有些党徒干了些愚蠢的过火行为。 Some of his party followers have committed silly excesses.
- 我告诉他干什么,使他摆脱了困难。 I eased him of his difficulty by telling him what to do.
- 那个可怜的人说了些什么使你这样地责骂他? What did the poor man say that make you lam into him like that?
- 他接着问我已干了些什么。 He went on to ask me what I had done.
- 去年他换了5个工作,因为他干什么都不长久。 He has had five different jobs in the last year because he never sticks to anything very long.
- 要告诉您那天舞台上演了些什么是不可能的。 It would be quite impossible for me to tell you what play was performed.
- 去年他换了5个工作,因为他干什么都没长性。 He has had five different jobs in the last year because he never sticks to anything very long.
- 重要的不是你读了多少书,而是读了些什么书。 It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.
- 你怎么能这么说?我们都看见他干了什么。裁判也必须把他罚下。 How can you say that? We all saw what he did. The ref had to send him off.
- 瞧你到底干了些什么呀! Now look what you've done!
- 我既记不得是谁作的演讲,也记不得讲了些什么。 I can remember neither the speaker nor what he or she said.
- 他干了什么,究竟干了什么,要把他这样排挤出去,要把这么多的困难堆在他的头上? What had he done--what in the world--that should bar him out this way and heap such difficulties upon him?