- 然后我们开往不来梅,接下去是汉堡市,然后进入丹麦。 Then we head for Bremen, then Hamburg, then Denmark.
- 什么 what
- 接下去是什么?[接下去干什么?] What comes next?
- 接 to extend
- 什么是 what is ... ?
- 什么时候 when
- 下去 go down
- 超链接 hyperlink
- 他要是总这样拚命干下去是吃不消的。 Unless he stops driving himself like this he'll have a breakdown.
- 没有什么 there's nothing ( ... about it)
- 接下来 and then; next
- 接电话 to pick up the telephone
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 什么地方 where
- 我已经对你说过一百次啦,弗尔南多。你再问下去是自寻烦恼了。 I have answered you a hundred times,Fernand,and really you must be very stupid to ask me again.
- “亲爱的,”班纳特太太接下去说,“我非常喜欢他。” "my dear," continued Mrs. Bennet,"I am quite delighted with him."
- 现在战绩领先联盟的是太阳队,你对这支球队的看法是什么? Ph?nix is leading the league. What are you thoughts about this team ?
- 我们继续下去是徒劳的。 It's useless for us to continue.
- 孩子们出于好奇, 迫不及待地想看看包裹中是什么东西。 The children are dying of curiosity to see what's in the parcel.
- 接下去 attacca