- 私密 secret
- 挟 hold between
- 私处 private parts
- 私生 by the left hand
- 对他的背信弃义我要报复。 I would pay him back for his treacheries.
- 私募基金 privately-offered fund
- 他决意为受辱向老板进行报复。 He resolved to avenge the insult on the boss.
- 私密性 privacy
- 挟弹官僚 To impeach officialdom
- 他在伺机报复。 He was waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.
- 私隐 privacy
- 螳螂挟住我的手指。 A mantis nipped my finger.
- 私底下 privately; in secret
- 他说他要设法报复你。 He said he would find means to get even with you.
- 倒挟枪 Secure arms!
- 受到惩罚或报复的人 One that inflicts retribution or vengeance.
- 挟嫌报复 bear resentment against and retaliate
- 私吞 pocket
- 报复性拘捕证 letters of reprisal
- 挟仓 cornering; squeeze; short squeeze