- 荆棘 bramble
- 荆棘钩扯着她的裙子。 The brambles plucked at her skirt.
- 她的头发呈飘柔波浪式披悬到肩。 Her hair hung to her shoulders in soft ripples.
- 他的手臂被荆棘划破了。 His arms were scratched by thorns.
- [喻]披上...的外衣 don the cloak of
- 他匆忙披上大衣,赶了出去。 He threw on his overcoat and hurried out.
- 手中弄荆棘,难免被刺伤。 He that handle thorn shall pick his finger.
- 树披上了一层白霜的服装。 The trees were clothed in a white mantle of frost.
- 通往和平的荆棘之路 the thorny road to peace
- 她披着一件红披肩。 She wore a red cape.
- 荆棘刺人。 Thorns prick.
- 她披着红丝斗篷。 She was cloaked in red silk.
- 在荆棘丛中我突然抓住了衣服的边缘。 I caught the hem of my dress in the brambles.
- 古罗马时代男人披的斗篷或披风。 a cloak or mantle worn by men in ancient Rome.
- 荆棘丛生 beset with brambles; overgrown with brambles; strewn with thorns
- 其中有一个姑娘披着火红的披巾。 One of the girls had on a shawl red as fire.
- 她的长发披在身后。 Her hair hanged down in her back.
- 荆棘鸟 The Thorn Birds
- 你喜欢披头士吗? Do you like the Beatles?
- 荆棘载途 a path overgrown with brambles; a path beset with difficulties