- 扩展F-展开法 extended F-expansion method
- 法 law
- 展开 to unfold
- 扩展F spread-F
- 扩展F回波 spread F echoes
- 人造扩展F层 artificial spread F
- 修正的F-展开法 modified F-expansion mothed
- 太阳高年期间海南电离层扩展F出现的起始时间研究 Research of Starting Time of Ionospheric Spread-F Observed in Hainan during High Solar Activity
- 展开法 expansion method
- 利用数值模拟,研究了不同条件下赤道电离层等离子体交换不稳定性的演变和扩展F不均匀体的形态。 We have performed numerical simulations of nonlinear evolution of plasma interchange instability in equatorial spread F (ESF) under different conditions.
- F展开法 F-expansion method
- 柱坐标下多极子展开法及其在波浪与浮体作用方面的应用 A Fast Multipole Method in the Cylinder Coordinate System and its Application to the Interaction Between Wave and Floating Bodies
- 不可展曲面的极值展开法及其在轴流通风机叶片中的应用 An Extremum Developing Method for an Undevelopable Surface and Its Application to Axial Fan Blades
- F-展开法 F-expansion method
- 3-D展开法 3-D expansion
- 正相展开法 normal phase method
- 渐近展开法 asymptotic expansion solution
- 模式展开法 model-expansion method
- 集团展开法 cluster expansions
- 置换展开法 displacement development