- 所有人都到齐了吗?好,我们谈正经事吧,昨天的销售情况怎么样? Boss: Is everybody here? OK, let's get down to business. What about yesterday's sales?
- 赫特先生,人都到齐了吗? Is everybody here, Mr. Hurt?
- 詹姆士已经到了,困此我们队人都到齐了。 James has arrived so our team is complete.
- 他们所有人都到首都朝觐去了。 All of them had pilgrimaged to the capital.
- 大家都到齐了吗?好,我们言归正传。尼克,你的计划进展的如何了? Is everyone here? Ok, let's get down to business. How is your plan going, Nick?
- 我们所有人都是有罪的。 All of us are sinful.
- 你不喜欢吗?其他所有人都喜欢。 Didn't you like it?Everybody else did.
- 今天大家到齐了吗?没有,刘芳不在。 Is everyone here today? No, Liu Fang is not here.
- 这个男孩对所有人都很礼貌。 This boy is polite to everyone.
- 我们所有人都注射了天花病毒。 The doctor inoculated her with the serum.
- 怀特先生,团里的每个成员都到齐了吗? Mr. white, is everybody in the group here?
- 他的话让与会的所有人都感到震惊。 His remarks jolted everyone at the meeting.
- 让我数数,是的,都到齐了。 Let me count. Yes, they are all here.
- 杰西:所有人都知道。 Jessie:I thought everybody knew.
- 旅馆里所有人都在酣睡。 All the people in the hotels were wrapped in deep slumber.
- 噢,让我看看,是的,都到齐了。 Oh, let me see. Yes, everybody is here.
- 他的到来使舞会中的所有人都感到扫兴。 His coming spoiled everyone in the ball.
- 人都到齐啦! Look! Everybody is here.
- 而你周围所有人都在微笑, And everyone around you was smiling
- 大家都到齐了吗? Is everybody here?