- 房间的价格多少? What price is the room?
- 价格 price (pc.)
- 旅馆房间的价格 The price of a hotel room
- 多少 how much
- 对了,房间价格多少? By the way. What's the price of the room?
- 房间 room
- 旅店房间的价格 The price of the hotel room
- 离岸价格多少钱? What is the FOB quote for this?
- 那些从房间的四面八方向他挤眉弄眼的法国舞女跟他什么相干? What did he care for the French prints ogling him from all sides of the room?
- 价格表 price list
- 到伦敦去的车票价格多少? What is the bus fare to London?
- 松树巨大的枝节被拆开,房间的内部被暴露出来这样就没有精灵能够逃脱。 Huge sections of the pine trees were torn away, laying bare the innards of the homes so that none of the elves could escape.
- 水果的价格保持稳定。 The price of fruits remains steady.
- 房间的一角立着一只橱柜。 A cabinet sits in a corner of the room.
- 能不能告诉我价格多少? Could you tell me how much it costs?
- 昂贵的价格把有意光顾的买主吓跑了。 The high price scares away any possible buyers.
- 最后,我向汤姆道了晚安,然后上床,让靠近汤姆房间的那扇门开着。 I said goodnight to Tom and went to bed, leaving open the door adjoining his room
- 你们的价格相当高。 Your prices are pretty steep.
- 黄色是她房间的主色。 Yellow is the prevailing color in her room.
- 他耸耸肩表示对那房间的住户不屑一顾。 He shrugged his low opinion of the occupant of the room.