- 我需要液晶显示器吗? Do I need a flat-panel display?
- 吗 morphine
- 闪开道,行吗?我需要一定的地方才能通过。 Keep out of my way,can't you - I need some room to get past!
- 在作决定之前,我需要时间熟悉详细情况。 I need time to familiarize myself with the details before making a decision.
- TFT液晶显示器 TFT liquid crystal display
- 我需要修面。 I need a shave.
- 液晶显示器支架 Supporting frame in LCD
- 我需要一根针和一些线缝补这件衬衫。 I need a needle and some thread to mend this shirt with.
- 车载液晶显示器 Vehicle LCD
- 我需要笔。你能借我一支吗? I need a pen. Can you lend me one?
- 我需要有香味的除体臭剂。 I need some scented deodorant.
- 向列扭曲液晶显示器 TN-LCD
- 我感到我需要清静。 I felt I needed privacy.
- 此液晶显示器使用两层极化材料,中间夹着一层液晶溶液。 The LCD uses two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them.
- 我需要买一副新的眼镜架。 I need to buy new spectacle frames.
- 我想我能出席,有什么特别的议程吗?需不需要我准备材料? I think I can attend. Do you have any particular agenda and do I have to prepare any material?
- 薄膜电晶体液晶显示器 TFT - LCD
- 我需要一套网球装和网球鞋。 I need a tennis outfit and tennis shoes.
- 我需要一些感光纸。 I need some sensitive paper.
- 扭转向列型液晶显示器 Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display