- 我该怎样着手找工作呢? How should I go about finding a job?
- 我该怎样着手做这事呢? how do I go about doing this?
- 既然你们打算结婚的计划已经公开了,你们可以着手找住的地方了。 Now your plans to get married are in the open,you can start looking for somewhere to live.
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 你找工作时,如果服装不整洁,你就不会成功。 If you don't dress neatly,you won't get to first base when you look for a job.
- "护士,我什么时候可以回家?" "我想,可能下周末吧,不过,那该由医生决定。" "When will I be allowed to go home, nurse?" "Towards the end of the week, I should think, but it's for the doctor to decide."
- 如果他们对钱没兴趣,又何必干自己不喜欢的工作呢? If they weren't interested in money,then why are they working?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。" "How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 1949年之后,在政府的帮助下,农民开始着手改变这一局面。 After1949, with the help of the government, the peasants set out to change this picture.
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- "别客气!我看看能不能弄几份三明治。" "Make yourself comfortable, I'll see if I can rustle up a few sandwiches."
- "爱因斯坦的书你读得怎样了?" "刚开始读懂。" "How're you coming along on Einstein?" "It's just starting to clear up a bit."
- "爸,开门!让我进来,我回来啦!" "Father! Open up! Let me in, I'm home."
- 他激励我们去实行该计划。 He gave us great encouragement to carry out the plan.
- [口]你好吗?你近来怎样? How do you find yourself?
- 1995年三月五日,我举办了一次愉快的生日聚会。 I had a happy birthday party on March5,1995.
- "可是,我还有什么别的法子呢?所有的牌都捏在你的手里。" "Well, what else is there for me to do? You hold all the cards in your hands."
- "怎样" 类问题 how question