- 这本书,我该怎么说呢,非常乏味。 The book is, how shall I put it, very boring.
- 这个问题,我该怎么说呢,十分棘手。 The question is, how shall I say, quite thorny.
- 目前的形势,我该怎么说呢,正在好转? The situation is, how shall I put it, taking a good turn?
- 我该怎么说呢? How shall I put it?
- 目前的形势,我该怎么说呢,正在好转。 The situation is,how shall I put it,taking a good turn?
- 达恩低下头,双臂报住脑袋,他的脑子里一片混乱,他在想该怎么说呢。 Dagen lowered his head onto his folded arms as his frantic mind tried to work out what he would say.
- 我想从我的支票活期账户上转些钱到我的定期储蓄账户上,不知道您是否能告诉我该怎么办理? I am wondering if you could tell me what I should do.
- 你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢? How can I pay you back for all your kindness?
- 怎么说呢 what can I say
- 如果我发现可能违反GPL的行为,我该怎么做? What should I do if I discover a possible violation of the GPL?
- 那是过去时态,要是说你到了圣诞节假日又要大吃大喝了,那该怎么说? Not really. But don't forget that when you use it in the past tense, pig out should be pigged out.
- 沙利文小姐一遍又一遍地示意我该怎么做。 Miss Sullivan showed me again and again what to do.
- 他那么狡猾,我不知道我何时才能脱离他的威胁。他回来时会怎么说呢? He is so cunning that I never know when I am safe from him. What will he say when he returns?
- 我该怎么来约会呢? How am I supposed to ask for a date ?
- 对不起,我想请问你有关洗衣的事。我该怎么做? Excuse me, but I would like to ask you about laundry. What shall I do?
- 对这些人我能怎么说呢?只有说他们虽站立在阳光下,却只愿意背对着太阳。 What shall I say of these save that they too stand in the sunlight, but with their backs to the sun?
- 我该怎么处理这些乳清呢? What shall I do with the whey?
- 我真不知该怎么想怎么说。 I'm really puzzled what to think or say.
- 电脑的AI是怎样起作用的?我该怎么去收买他们? How does Police AI work? How do we buy them off?
- 如果我泄露这个秘密给你,你会怎么说呢? If I were to tell you the secret, what would you say?