- 我该怎么着手办呢? How do I go abort it?
- 我该怎么着手办呢? How do I go about it?
- 这本书,我该怎么说呢,非常乏味。 The book is, how shall I put it, very boring.
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 我不知道怎样着手办这事。 I don't know how to set about it.
- 这个问题,我该怎么说呢,十分棘手。 The question is, how shall I say, quite thorny.
- 我想从我的支票活期账户上转些钱到我的定期储蓄账户上,不知道您是否能告诉我该怎么办理? I am wondering if you could tell me what I should do.
- 我已经把事情弄得一团糟,现在该咋办呢? I've made a muck of it. What the hell can I do now?
- 我该怎么做这练习? How must I do the exercise?
- 我马上给你核对一下,你们想怎么办呢? I'll check on it immediately. What would you like us to do?
- 我该怎样着手找工作呢? How should I go about finding a job?
- 我该怎么处理这文件? What am I supposed to do with the documents?
- 安,我怎么办呢?我每月收入有限,不过勉强维持。 What do I do,Ann? I'm on a fixed income and am barely getting by.
- 我该怎样着手做这事呢? how do I go about doing this?
- 我该怎么走? How can I go there?
- 我已经忘了这该怎么做,你肯提醒我一下吗? I've forgotten how to do this; will you remind me?
- 园主说,我怎么办呢?我要打发我的爱子去。或者他们尊敬他。 Then the owner of the vineyard said, 'What shall I do? I will send my son, whom I love; perhaps they will respect him.
- 那我该怎么叫你? What am I supposed to call you, then?
- 如果我在多年之后见到你,我该怎样称呼你呢? If I should meet thee after long years, how should I greet thee?
- 她不知该怎么办好。 She was at a loss what she should do.