- 我该付多少钱呢? How much do I have to pay?
- 这个我该付多少钱? How much shall I pay for it?
- 那么他们应该受罪,像我女儿一样。(停顿)我该付您多少钱? BONASERA Then they can suffer then, as she suffers. (then) How much shall I pay you?
- 押金、一个月房租、房地产中介商的佣金、搬家费 ... 全部要准备多少钱呢? Damage deposit, one month's advance rent, realtor's commission, move fee ... how much shall I prepare altogether?
- 请你算一算我该付多少钱? Please reckon up how much I must pay.
- 就象我跟你说的那样,你不能阻止我。我付清了我该付的。 So, like I told you, you cannot stop me. I paid my dues. Yeah.
- 我该押上一半钱呢还是该押上全部赌注? Shall I bet half our money, or shall I shoot the works?
- 我该付多少手续费? How much shall I pay for the handling charges?
- 如果我的租车期限过了,这将要加多少钱呢? How much will it is if I go over the rental period?
- 尽管他可能是富裕的,但他一点不知道该付多少小费给看门人和清理卧室的女服务员。 Affluent he may be, But he is by no means sure what to tip the doorman or the chambermaid.
- 我该给你什么样的钱呢? How shall I get it for you?
- 用航空寄是多少钱呢? How much will it to is by airmail?
- 我该付多少订金? How much must I pay for the deposit?
- 用空邮寄这包裹要多少钱呢? How much is it to send this parcel by air mail?
- 我付的钱比我该付的多得多。 I paid much more than I should.
- 多少钱呢? And how much is it?
- 你知道爱默生先生同意为那个花瓶付多少钱吗?2万美元! Do you know how much Mr. Emerson took for that vase? Twenty thousand dollars!
- 我该付多少税金? How much shall I pay for the duty ?
- 寄香港要多少钱呢? What about Hongkong?
- 我该付多少税款? How much should I pay for the duty?