- 请让我在这里下车。我该付你多少钱? Please let me off here. How much do I owe you?
- 我该付你多少钱? What do I owe you?
- 那我该付你多少钱? How much should I pay you?
- 那么他们应该受罪,像我女儿一样。(停顿)我该付您多少钱? BONASERA Then they can suffer then, as she suffers. (then) How much shall I pay you?
- 就象我跟你说的那样,你不能阻止我。我付清了我该付的。 So, like I told you, you cannot stop me. I paid my dues. Yeah.
- 我该付给你多少钱? Li How much do owe you?
- 我们应该付你多少钱? How much do we owe you?
- 我该付多少手续费? How much shall I pay for the handling charges?
- 你的新自行车花掉了你多少钱? How much did your new bicycle set you back?
- 你是否碰巧知道我该乘哪路车,在哪儿乘车? Do you by any chances know what number I shall take and where to get it?
- 她总是说,“等我丈夫一找到第二职业,我很快就付你钱。” She was always saying,I'm going to pay you soon,when my husband gets a second job.
- 他修理自行车收了你多少钱? How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?
- 不要老是问我该做什麽事,你自行决定吧。 Don't keep asking me what to do; use your own discretion.
- 买东西那人敲了你多少钱? How much did that man rush you for that?
- 你自己沏茶。我不明白为什么我该样样伺候你。 Make your own tea. I don't see why I should wait on you hand and foot.
- 我该付多少订金? How much must I pay for the deposit?
- 那辆车花了你多少钱? How much did that car knock you back?
- 你相信一见钟情吗?或者我该再次从你身边走过? Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?
- 那套衣服花你多少钱? How much did that suit cost you ?
- 郭先生,我该说,你已经纠正了我对保险的想法。 Mr Ku,I must say that you have corrected my ideas about the insurance.