- 我让你生气了吗? Did I make you angry?
- 我知道Lloyd说了让你生气的话,但别画龙点睛啊。你只会此事更坏的。 Let sleeping dogs lie I know that what Lloyd said made you angry, but let sleeping dogs lie. If you say or do anything, you'll only make things worse.
- 如果我让你明天吃那糖果,那会使你满意吗? Will it content you if I let you have the candy tomorrow ?
- 如果你再这么做我就真生气了,我已经警告过你两次让你停止了,现在就住手。 If you do that again, I will get really angry. I've told you twice to stop, now, just cut it out!
- 如果我让你明天吃那糖果,那会使你满意吗? Will it content you if I let you have the candy tomorrow?
- 你为什么要那样离开我呢?我说的话惹你生气了吗? Why did you walk away from me like that?H ave I said words to offend you?
- 我让你和你太 And I can give you and Mrs. Stewart
- “快点,珠儿; 要不我可要跟你生气了 "Hasten, Pearl, or I shall be angry with thee!"
- “是的,我们让你走,你耳朵聋了吗?” "Yes, thou art released;dost thou not understand?"
- 不过我让那些人掉了层皮,真的,萨姆,您没注意她们今天就没出来吗?" But Ah sho tan de hides of dem niggers! Ah sho did. Ain' you notice dar ain' none of dem roun' hyah terday?"
- 我让你猜三次。 I'll give you three guesses.
- 让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情 From that you would get angry with your friends, we can conclude you still care about the
- 你想不想要我让你休息一下? Do you want me to give you a break?
- 噢,霍华德·休斯,你的钱让你感觉好些了吗? Oh, Howard Hughes, did your money make you better?
- 母亲:我让我的小儿子来买二磅李子,可你只给了他一磅半。 Mother: I sent my little boy to buy two pounds of plums and you gave him a pound and a half.
- 握紧,等我让你松手时再松开。 Hold on and don't let go until I say so.
- 我让你死在你所爱的男人手中 I am allowing you to die at the hand of the man you love
- 把这些送给你生命里重要的人,包括那些让你让你生气的,还有你希望介入他的生活的人! Send this on to everyone special in your life, even the people who really make you mad sometimes and to the people whose lives you want to be in!
- 我让我的小儿子来买二磅李子,可你只给了他一磅半。 I sent my little boy for two pounds of plums and you gave him a pound and a half.
- 然后,我滑倒了,我让你靠近我 And then I slipped up, and I let you get close to me