- 我能用支? Can I pay by check or credit card?
- 我能用来对付煤气费帐单的唯一办法是先拿出准备付电缆的钱来垫一下。 The only way I can settle the gas bill is to rob Peter to pay Paul and use the money I've put by for the electricity.
- 能 energy
- 不能 cannot
- 我能用那边安静角落里的那张桌子吗? Can I have the table in that quiet corner?
- 我能拿什么来买呢?他问自己。能用一支弄丢了的鱼叉、一把折断的刀子和两只受了伤的手吗? What could I buy it with? He asked himself. Could I buy it with a lost harpoon and a broken knife and two bad hands?
- 我想我能用手折断它。 I reckon I can break it with my hand.
- 我能用支票或信用卡吗? Can I pay by check or credit card?
- 我能用电梯吗? Can I use the lift?
- 我能用用你的橡皮吗? May I use your eraser?
- 我花了那么多钱,这东西居然不能用。 I pay all that money and the thing do not work!
- 现在我能设法用你们的语言非常清楚地表达我的意思了。 Now I can manage to made myself understood sufficiently in your language.
- 你能用一个晚上为我把这件衣服赶制好吗? Can you run the dress up for me in one evening?
- 我能用意大利语指挥一连兵。 I can command a company in Italian.
- 我能用这台机子上网吗? Can I use this computer to access the Internet?
- 我的朋友特里能用几种语言看书和写作。 My friend Terry reads and writes several languages.
- 我能用你的洗手间吗? Can I use your bathroom?
- 你能用这块衣料给我做一件连衣裙吗? Can you make up this dress length for me?
- 我能用大扫除来消磨时间。 I can fill the time by spring cleaning the house.
- 我担心那辆汽车终于旧得不能用了。 I'm afraid the car's finally had it.