- 我打开窗子你反对吗? Would you mind my opening the window?
- 你反对我打开窗子吗? Have you any objection to my opening the window?
- “你反对吗?”“我反对?为什么?这对你有好处呀。” "Do you object?" "I object? Why should I? It will do you good."
- "你反对吗?""我反对?为什么?这对你有好处呀。" "Do you object?" "I object? Why should I? It will do you good."
- 如果我打开窗子,你介意吗? Do you mind if I open the window?
- 我打开窗子放进一些新鲜空气。 I opened the window to let in somefresh air.
- "你反对吗?" "我反对?为什么?这对你有好处呀。" "Do you object?" "I object? Why should I? It will do you good."
- 我打开窗子, 吸了一口新鲜空气。 I opened the window and took a breath of fresh air.
- 如果我关上收音机,你反对吗? Would you object if I turn off the radio?
- 我打开橱门就站在橱前吓呆了。一具骷髅在我眼前摇晃。 I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of the it petrified. A skeleton was dangling before me eyes.
- 您反对吗? Do you have any objection?
- 伯爵夫人:(打开窗子)我很庆幸地说,我不知道。 (Opening the window) I rejoice to say that I did not.
- 若你反对国王,你将被流放到那个岛上去。 You will be relegated to the island if you are against the king.
- 我把灯关掉你不反对吗? Do you mind if I turn off the light?
- 勤杂工打开窗子,试图使会议室内烟消散。 The office boy tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window of the meeting room.
- 爱是我打开人们心扉的钥匙,也是我抵挡仇恨之箭与愤怒之矛的盾牌。 For just as love is my weapon to open the hearts of men, love is also my shield to repulse the arrows of hate and the spears of anger.
- 要是我早一点回家,你不反对吗? Would you mind if I went home early?
- 她打开窗子使房间通风。 She aired the room by opening the window.
- 我把灯关掉你不反对吗? Do you mind if I turn off the light?
- 忽然之间,我打开了自己的思路,懂得了他说的那些话的道理。 "But suddenly, by keeping my mind open, I understood why he said what he said. "