- 我打开电视机好吗? --好,请打开吧。 Shall I turn on the TV? -- Yes, please.
- 我打开电视机好不好? A : Shall I turn on the TV?
- 我打开电视机,他们聚精会神地观看。 They were all eyes when I turned on TV.
- 我打开电视机,我们坐下来看电视。 I turned on the TV and we sat down and watched it.
- 吗 morphine
- 打开电视机。 Crank up the TV.
- 我有话跟你说。我们一起吃午饭好吗? I'd like to talk with you. Can we have lunch together?
- 电话铃声响时请你接电话好吗? Will you answer the telephone if it rings?
- 我打开信读了起来。 I unfolded the letter and read it.
- 我们定一下野餐的时间好吗? Shall we fix a date for the picnic?
- 我打开橱门就站在橱前吓呆了。一具骷髅在我眼前摇晃。 I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of the it petrified. A skeleton was dangling before me eyes.
- 再来一点黄油面包好吗? Would you like some more bread and butter?
- 帮我关窗好吗? Would you oblige me by closing the window?
- 四双惊讶的眼睛看着我打开了冰箱, 现在我们有一个文化上的问题。 Four pairs of incredulous eyes looked at me as I pro ceeded to open the refrigerator.
- 请你站开让我走过去好吗? Would you mind stepping aside to let me pass?
- 我打开地窖的门,顺着梯子走下去。 I opened the cellar door and started down the stairs.
- 我打开你的手提包检查一下行吗? Do you mind if I open your handbag and check?
- 你和我们一道吃点便饭好吗? Will you partake of our simple meal?
- 我打开门,你就可以把车直接开进来了。 I'll open the doors and you can drive the car straight in.
- 嗨,巴巴拉,你好吗? Hi, Barbara, how are you?