- 我如何获取渲染代码的耗时?(我怎么知道渲染花了多长时间? How do I time my rendering code? (How do I know how long it takes the GPU to render something?
- 知道 be aware of
- 长春我怎么知道哪些档案删除猜想当我找不到该提的以上。 Erm how am I suppose to know which file to delete when I can't find any of the mention ones above.
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 不知道 be insensible of
- 我愿相信你并先把钱汇给你,你再给我寄鞋子,但是我怎么知道你寄不寄呢。 I will belive you and send the mony first and then you send me the shoes but how do I knew you send.
- 我怎么知道您是什么打算呢? How shall I know what your intention is?
- 我怎么知道你是什么打算呢? How should I know what your intentions are?
- 我怎么知道他是在讲真话? How can I tell that he is speaking the truth?
- 我怎么知道。 How should I know.
- 用不着你教我怎么说。你老是打断我的话,好像你知道我要说些什么似的。 Don't put words in my mouth. You keep interrupting me and assuming the you know what I'm going to say.
- 你怎么知道jim把钱给偷了?信不信由你,我的消息非常可靠! How do you know that jim stole the money? Believe it or not! I got the information straight from the horse's mouth!
- 我怎么知道呀? How was I supposed to know?
- 我怎么会知道他想干什么?他的意图总是叫人捉摸不透。 How do I know what he's going to do? His intentions are always as clear as mud.
- 我怎么知道什么该做,什么不该做? How do I know what to do and what not to do?
- 我能听见你说:“你怎么知道所有这些? I can hear you saying: " How do you know all this?
- 我怎么可以预先知道汽车会抛锚呢?我又没有先见之明。 How was I to know that the car would break down? I haven't go second sight, you know.
- 我怎么知道结果呢? How will I know the outcome?
- 我知道,但我不告诉你我是怎么知道的。 I know but will not tell you how, or from whom, I know.
- 我不知道当时没有他的支持我怎么过得下去。 I don't know how I'd have gone on without his support.