- 我必须待在医院吗? Do I have to spend time in the hospital ?
- 你的意思是在你妈妈回家以前,你必须待在家里照顾妹妹吗? Do you mean that you'll have to stay home and take care of the baby till your mother comes back?
- 卢辛达:他今晚必须呆在医院吗? Lucinda:Will he have to stay in the hospital tonight?
- 当我到学校的时候,我必须服从老师吗? Must I obey teacher when I arrive the school?
- 申请机构必须待刊宪程序完成后方可成为本局的培训机构,并获批准试办首班再培训课程。 Organization will become an accredited training body only after completion of the whole gazette procedure, and could apply for funding for piloting retraining courses.
- 附近有医院吗? Is there a hospital near here?
- “跟随我去看电影吧。”“不行,我必须留在家里工作。” "Come to a film with me.""Nothing doing; I've got to stay home and work."
- 你住过医院吗? Have you ever been in hospital ?
- “不喜欢这个国家的人应当待在自己的国家里,”我正颜厉色地说。 "People who don't like this country ought to stay at home," I said severely.
- 我必须承认我被这个问题搞迷糊了。 I must confess myself completely puzzled by the question.
- 我要每天来医院吗? Do I have to come to the hospital every day?
- 这合同使我必须在两个月内完成这项工作。 The contract binds me to complete the work within two months.
- 她每天晚上都得待在家里吗? Does she have to stay at home every night?
- 我丈夫摔得非常严重,但在医院住了一个星期后,他的病情有所好转。 My husband had a bad fall,but after a week in hospital he's on the mend.
- 以色列人在上个月终于完全撤离迦萨走廊,在最后的几周里,巴希尔一家人日夜都必须待在客厅里,因为以色列军队必须为撤军作种种的准备工作。 For the last few weeks until the Israelis finally left Gaza last month, the family was confined to the living room day and night while the army prepared for the withdrawal.
- 能告诉我最近的医院吗? Do you know where I could find the nearest hospital?
- 我必须在下周前给孩子们注册上钢琴课。 I must enrol the children for piano lessons before next week.
- 外宾: 下个站有医院吗? Is there a hospital at the next station?
- 那狗对我丈夫“一见钟情”,晚饭后就爬上他的大腿,待在那儿看电视。 She took to him right away and after dinner climbed into his lap to watch TV.
- 我必须承认我的科学知识只是一鳞半爪。 I must admit that my knowledge of science is patchy.