- 我应该怎么处理这文件? How am I supposed to take care of the documents?
- 我应该怎么处理你的信件? How should I deal with your letter?
- 我该怎么处理这文件? What am I supposed to do with the documents?
- 我的计算机打不开可打印的PDF文件-我应该怎么办? My computer doesn't know how to open the printable PDF files - what do I do?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- "确实是的,也许我应该更仔细估算一下旅行费用然后再决定。" "There is that, indeed. Perhaps I should cost my trip more carefully before deciding."
- 他拒绝在这文件上签字。 He refused to subscribe his name to the paper.
- 我应该怎么处理你的信件? How should I deal with your letter?
- 这文件她可能己经看过了。 She may have seen the document already.
- 也许我可以替他不顾脸面地处理这事。 Maybe I can subrogate him to come down to take up the matter.
- 到月底时,我应该可以工作了。 I ought to be fit for work at the end of the month.
- 把这些原则包融在这文件之中 to engraft the principles into the document
- 我堕入了爱河,我应该怎么办?很痛啊,但我想一直这样痛下去。 I've fallen in love, What should I do? It hurts so much, but I want to keep on hurting.
- 然后他想出一个得到这文件的办法。 Then he thought of a way to get hold of the document.
- 请原谅。我想我应该先敲一下门的。 I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked.
- 我会对负责人员讲,让他来处理这件事。 Ill speak to the person in charge and ask him to take care of the problem.
- 这文件是绝对保密的。 This document is in strict confidence.
- 他喜欢指示别人应该怎么做。 He likes to prescribe to others how they should act.
- 这文件强调经济方面的影响。 The paper lays emphasison the economic effects.
- 我想我应该对他们所做的事情进行干预。 I think I ought to cut in on what they are doing.