- 我哪知道你在等我? How was I supposed to know you were waiting for me?
- 是活的,而且每样事物都处在转化的阶段。我知道你在等他 Alive, and everything was in the stage of transformation. And as I know that you were waiting for him to
- 嗯,我想我知道你在说哪一件,但是那件上衣现在没货了。 Hmm. I think I know what you mean, but we are out of that blouse now.
- 我知道有阵雨,哪知道会下这么大呀。 I knew there would be a shower, but I didn't realize it would rain cats and dogs today.
- 为什么我如此幸运。为什么我会发现你在等我出现。 Why I'm so lucky. Why I should find you waiting for me to come along.
- 我下个月才能来是因为我在等我湖南那个将做我翻译的朋友的签证。 I cannot go until next month, because my friend from Hunan is waiting for his VISA, which will be my interpreter.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 我从没买过衣服,你知道。你能告诉我哪个牌子好一点吗? I've never bought any dress, you know. Could you tell me which brand is better?
- 我迅速地放下工作,发现组长已经准备好一杯热绿茶在等我了,真令人难以置信! I rapidly went down and could not believe that a cup of warm green tea, prepared by the team leader, was waiting for me!
- 我知道你在上次会议上已经复职了。 I know you got back at the last conference.
- 你在这儿等我一下,我要去解小手。 Wait for me here; I am going to the toilet and will be back in a minute.
- 我必须知道你的意见。你同意他们的意见吗? I must know your opinion. Do you agree with them?
- 黑人在那儿不受招待,他们告诉我说,而且一直在等我自己认识到我一直是在场的唯一黑人。 negroes were not served here, I was told, and they had been waiting for me to realize that I was the only negro present
- "不要打岔,你等我把话讲完再说。" "Don't interrupt, just hear me out before you start talking."
- 你一点也不知道你在向我提出什麽要求吗? Do you have the vaguest notion what you are asking me for?
- 噢,主啊,我又会爱上谁呢?谁是那个天天在我梦中出现的女孩呢?我的爱人,你在哪呢? Oh, my Lord, who should I be falling love with? Who is the girl in my dream every night? My love, where are you?
- 在他们将我钉上十字架的时刻,我知道是我的父在等我了 As they nail me to this tree Just know the Father waits for me
- "我特意在今天来,因为我知道你在家。" "I purposely came today, as I knew you'd be in."
- 我感觉到自己躺在这里是如此的可怜和丑陋,但是我还在等你。 I feel so pathetic and ugly laying here, waiting for you.
- "我知道你能说会道,所以你就别开口劝我买东西。" "I know you've got a smooth tongue, so don't even start to talk me into buying."