- 我听不懂这人在说什么, 他喝得酩酊大醉。 I couldn't understand what the man was saying; he was as drunk as a lord.
- 你们在说什么?我一点也听不懂。 What are you talking about? I am all at sea.
- 不要说得那么急,露西,你说话象连珠炮似的,我听不懂。 Don't gabble, Lucy, I can't understand when you run your words together.
- 各种各样的语言连珠炮似的在我耳边响起,根本听不懂他们在说些什么。 The roar of many languages bombarding me seemed unintelligible -- just babble.
- 太吵了,我听不见她在说什么。 I couldn't hear her above all the noise.
- 你们在说什么? What are you speaking about?
- 我听不懂你的话。 I can't follow you.
- 请把话筒靠近你嘴边一些,我听不请你的话。 Put the receiver closer to your mouth, I can not hear you.
- 帕特恰好在这个时候走进屋,他问:“你们在说什么? Pat came into the room just then and said, "What are you talking about?
- 对不起,我听不懂你的话。 Sorry, I don't follow you.
- 那些碟子你还没有洗吗?我弄不懂你都把时间花在什么上了。 Haven't you got those dishes done yet? It beats me what you do with your time.
- 帕特恰好在这个时候走进屋,他问:“你们在说什么?” Pat came into the room just then and said,"What are you talking about? "
- 由于我的收音机坏了, 我听不到新闻了。 I can't hear the news since my radio went on the blink.
- 我听不懂讲课,所以也就不听了。 I couldn't understand the lecture so I just turned off.
- 苏姗不明白司机在说什么,于是接着问道,“你指什么?” Susan had no idea what the driver was talking about, and again asked. "What do you mean?"
- 会议室里的噪音太大,我听不清演讲者的发言。 There's so much noise in the meeting room that I can't hear the speaker clearly.
- 这个年轻的学生听不懂文人们引经据典的谈话。 The young schoolboy can not understand the allusive conversation of intellectual men.
- 吔,等等等等,你在说什么啊?我发脾气是因为你叫我别发脾气?你都把我搞胡涂了啦。 Oh great. Now, you're going to have a hissy fit because I asked you not to have a hissy fit.
- “你们俩在说什么悄悄话?”“你是不会想知道的。” 'What are you two whispering about?' 'You don't want to know(= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve).'
- 来往的车辆和行人的噪声太大,我听不见电话的铃声。 The traffic makes so much noise that I cannot hear my phone ring.