- 我可以预支薪水吗? Can I have an advance on my salary?
- 我可以予支薪水吗? Can I have an advance on my salary?
- 吗 morphine
- 她请求预支薪水. She asked for an advance on her salary.
- 所以预支薪水就是 Have an advance in salary
- 我可以借用你的圆珠笔吗?当然可以。 May I borrow your ballpen? Certainly!
- 我一直再问自己:难道我的价值就是公司每个月尾发给我那几千快钱的薪水吗? I keep asking myself: My value is only limit to what the company paid me few thousand by end of the month?
- 我可以请我姨妈来参加婚礼吗?我喜欢她坐在桌旁。 May I invite my aunt to the wedding? I would like her to sit at our table.
- 他加了薪水吗? Has he got his screw raised?
- 我可以剪下这篇关于我演出的报道吗? May I clip out the report on my performance?
- 这些花我可以摘一些吗? May I pluck some of these flowers?
- 我可以接受的条件是涨薪水,外加一周休假。 I can settle for a pay raise and one week on holiday.
- 某些著名的运动员和娱乐人士每年赚取几百万,你认为他们应该得到这么高的薪水吗? Some famous athletes and entertainers earn millions of dollars every year. Do you think these people deserve such high salaries? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
- 我可以邀请您跳这个舞吗? May I have the pleasure of this dance?
- 我可以复印缩微胶片上的一些资料吗? Can I get a photocopy of some material on microfilm?
- 我可以回家吗? Could I go home?
- 我可以冒昧地请你读读这本小册子吗? May I take the liberty of asking you to read this booklet?
- 我可以从我当救生员的薪水里拿出来还你。 I could pay you back out of my lifeguard salary.
- 我可以把行李存放在这儿吗? Can I park my luggage here?
- 我可以关掉收音机吗? Do you mind if I switch the radio off?