- 你戴了一只很漂亮的戒指。你打了一条高雅的领带。我可以借点钱吗?你需要多少钱? You're wearing a nice ring. You're wearing a posh tie. May I borrow some money? How much do you need?
- 我可以借点钱吗? Might I borrow some money now.
- 顺便问一下,这个周末你可以借给我点钱吗? apropos, can you lend me some money for the weekend?
- 吗 morphine
- 我忘了带钱。——没关系,我可以借点给你。 I've forgotten to bring my money.- No matter. I can lend you some.
- 这本书我可以借一两天吗? May I borrow the book for a day or two?
- 要是他后天能还给我钱的话,我可以借给他。 I don't mind lending him the money on condition that he returns it to me the day after tomorrow.
- 也许你从你爸爸那儿可以借点钱。 Maybe I could borrow some money from you and Dad.
- 我可以在这儿用这份信用证取钱吗? May I draw money against the letter of credit here?
- 如果你需要,我可以借给你五十英镑。那应该有些帮助。 I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit.
- 我可以问一下,你打算出多少钱吗? May I ask how much you paid for it?
- *这个周末我可以借你的自行车么? Can I borrow your bike for the weekend?
- 借点钱给我如何? What about lending me some money?
- 我可以用这张信用卡支钱吗? May I draw money against this credit card?
- 如果说你能在星期一还我,我可以借给你这本书。 I will lend you the book on condition that you return it on Monday.
- 能请您捐点钱吗? May I beg you for a subscription?
- 我可以借给你我的隆胸胸罩-你说什么? You can borrow my water bra. - Excuse me?
- 好的,我可以在你们其他的营业点还车吗? All right. Can I return the car at another one of your agencies?
- 他有没有向你开口借点钱? Did he approach you about lending him some money?
- 我懂了,我可以用支票付钱吗? I see. Can I pay by check?