- 我到过英国吗? Have I been to England ?
- “我到过两次意大利,”他说,“你故乡在哪里? "I've been to Italy, twice," he said. "Where you from, originally"
- 你曾经去过英国吗? Have you ever been to England?
- 谈到旅行,你到过纽约吗? Talking of travel, have you ever been to New York?
- 你的祖籍是英国吗? Are you of English descent?
- 玛格丽特除了懂很少一点法文外,其他外国语言,一个字都不识,并且在结婚前始终没出过英国。 Margaret knew scantiest amount of French, not a syllable of anything else, and had not set a foot outside England until she was married.
- 当我到学校的时候,我必须服从老师吗? Must I obey teacher when I arrive the school?
- 我们中没有一个人到过长城。 None of us have/has been to the Great Wall.
- 你了解英国吗? What do you know about Britain?
- 老师在上课时叫我到他的书桌那儿去。 The teacher called me over to his desk in class.
- 女王住在英国吗? Does the queen live in England?
- 本周以前我从来没有到过这里。 I have never been here before this week.
- 不必费事为我做饭了,我到外面吃去。 Don't bother to get dinner for me. I'll be dining out.
- 她曾向我提到过她收到了你的信。 She mentioned to me that she had received your letter.
- 我到这儿是来对最近的一批货提出索赔的。 I am here to make a claim of the latest shipment.
- 有人向你介绍过英国吗? Is there anyone who tell you something about UK to you?
- 轮到我了,那个职员挥挥手让我到一边。 It's my turn, the clerk waved me aside.
- 她当空中小姐一直到过了六十岁生日。 She has worked as an air-hostess until past her sixtieth birthday.
- 我到外面院子里坐下,仔细欣赏了每一页。 I went out on the patio and sat down and enjoyed each page.
- 我已把蔬菜放进去煮了,我到拐角上的店里去买冰淇淋时,请替我照看一下土豆。 I've put the vegetables on to cook; please keep an eye on the potatoes while I go to the corner shop for some ice cream.