- 我出差一趟,您反对吗? Do you have any objection to my taking a business trip?
- 我再试一次,您反对吗? Do you have any objection if I have another try?
- 我休假一天,您反对吗? Do you have any objection to my having a day off?
- 是的。这份文件需要填写,我出差期间谁能关照一下吗? Yes,this paper needs filling out.Can someone see to it while I'm away?
- 您反对吗? Do you have any objection?
- 你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.
- 琼斯到北京的那天恰好是我出差离开北京的日子。 Jones arrived in Beijing on the precise day that I left for a business trip.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 您反对吗? Do you have any objection?
- 我出差前需要练习一下英语。 I need to practise my English before my business trip.
- 我必须到镇上走一趟,采购一星期的食物。 I must sally forth into town and buy my week's food.
- 很好。我出差去了,刚回来。 I'm fine. I've been out of town. I just got back.
- 亨利乘我出差在外时向我轰了头炮。 Henry dropped his first bomb while I was away.
- 打我们头一趟一同到海里去的时候起,什么事我都记得一清二楚的。 I remember everything from when we first went to sea together.
- 我们也知道您反对死刑。 It's also our understanding that you oppose thnalty.
- 我把灯关掉你不反对吗? Do you mind if I turn off the light?
- 当时我出差由京至穗,一时改口不及。 At that time, I was on a business trip going from Beijing to Guangzhou, I couldn't switch my saying in time.
- 我出差时通常把狗寄养在兽医诊所里。 When I am away on business trips, I normally board my dog at the veterinarian's.
- 蔡先生:那么你愿意去那里玩一趟吗? Mr. Cai: So would you like to take a tour there?
- 我很抱歉占用您宝贵的时间,但有一件重要事情我希望能得到您的建议。 I apologize for encroaching upon your valuable time, but I should appreciate you advice in an important matter.