- 我休假一天,您反对吗? Do you have any objection to my having a day off?
- 如果允许罗杰休假一天,为什么不允许我休假呢?应该一视同仁嘛。 If Roger is allowed the day off, why shouldn't I be? What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
- 如果允许罗杰休假一天,为什么不允许我休假呢?应该一视同仁嘛。 If Roger is allowed the day off, why shouldn't I be? What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
- 我再试一次,您反对吗? Do you have any objection if I have another try?
- 我出差一趟,您反对吗? Do you have any objection to my taking a business trip?
- 我的老板拒绝了我休假一天的请求。 My boss denied my request for a day off.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。" "Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 我把灯关掉你不反对吗? Do you mind if I turn off the light?
- 一旦我休假,我就要趁机休息玩个痛快。 Once I'm on holiday I like to relax and have a high time while I've got the chance.
- "你反对吗?" "我反对?为什么?这对你有好处呀。" "Do you object?" "I object? Why should I? It will do you good."
- 他决定休假一天。 He decided to take a day off from work.
- 在我休假的那天,我不想去开车兜风。 On my day off, I don't want to go for a drive.
- 他休假一回来,就开始写他的第一部小说。 On his return from his vacation, he began writing his first novel.
- 在度假时,为了充分享受每一天,我每天总是起得很早。 I always get up with the lark when I'm on holiday to make the most of every single day.
- 这就是收据,祝您有个美好的一天。 Here you are. Have a nice day!
- 你以为一天睡18回觉是件容易的事吗? Do you think it is easy to have 18 snaps in a day?
- 你的下一天是今天晚上就计划好的吗? Do your next day's planning at the end of the day.
- 在办公室是熬过了平凡的一天后,我精疲力竭了。 After an ordinary day at the office I feel completely washed up.
- 今天一天风和日丽,但现在转冷了,不是吗? It has been a very pleasant day,but it's coming in quite chilly now,isn't it?
- 我需要休假,一天这样的例行工作也坚持不了了。 I need vacations, I can't stand another normal working day.