- 我们走的方向对吗? Are we going in the right direction?
- 不管怎么样,我们走的方向是对的。 Anyway we are moving in the right direction .
- 我们走的方向对吗? Are we going in the right direction?
- 我们走的路对吗? Are we on the right road?
- 如此政府开始了解那等待直到某人有问题是太晚,并且他们设法显示正确的方向对众人。 So governments start to understand that waiting until someone has a problem is too late, and they try to show the right direction to people.
- 嘿,司机,我们走的路线对吗? Hey, driver, are we going the right way?
- 电场方向对咖啡因电穿孔与离子导入经皮渗透的影响比较 Effect of Electric Field Direction on the Percutaneous Penetration of Caffeine Mediated by Skin Electroporation and Iontophoresis
- 不管怎么样,我们走的方向是对的。 Anyway we're moving in the right direction.
- 我明白了,不过我如果不能按时的话,还要另收一天费用,对吗? I see,but will I be charged for an extra day if I'm late ?
- 别坐在那儿犹豫了,你答应过陪我出去吃饭的,快去换衣服,我们走吧。 Don't sit there humming and hawing; you promised to take me out to dinner so get changed and let's go.
- 连接器外壳接线孔的方向对其电磁屏蔽性能的影响 The Influence of Apertures'Direction on Shielding Effectiveness of Connector Enclosure
- 路标指给我们应走的路。 A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.
- 他将会成为我们公司的新总裁,对吗? Is it right that he will be the new president of our company?
- 我们走了一条比通常要长的路来的。 We came by a longer route than usual.
- 我突然想到一个好主意,我们何不试试向相反的方向转一转呢! I've just had an inspiration: why don't we try turning it the other way!
- 也没人选他。他说他喜欢做,然后我们偏偏来拜他,这样对吗? If we pay respect to him as our president just because he says that he would like to be one, is that appropriate?
- 他好像是朝物美商城的方向走的。 He seemed to walk in the direction of Wu Mart.
- 他向我们走来。 He made up to us.
- 我们走进了乱山丛中。 We entered into a bewilderment of mountains.
- 而现在,我的朋友们,我要说一句我曾对别人说过的话:是我该走的时候了。 And now, my friends, in a phrase I once addressed to others, it's time for me to go.