- 我们要在花园里吃饭吗? Will we have a meal inside the garden?
- 我们要在花园里喝茶,不在房间里。 We'll have tea in the garden instead of the house.
- 我们要在花园里喝茶而不想在屋里喝茶。 We'll have tea in the garden rather than in the house.
- 你一定要在小卖部里吃饭。 You must eat in the canteen.
- 我们要在国际事务中继续巩固和扩大已经取得的大好局面。 In international affairs we should continue to consolidate and develop the gratifying situation we have created.
- 我们将在花园里吃饭吗? shall we eat in the garden?
- 如果我们要在医疗卫生上花更多的钱,就必须提高税收。 We must increase taxation if we are to spend more on the health service.
- 蒂姆也在花园里吗? Is Tim in the garden, too?
- 我们要在这儿关多久? How long are we going to stay cooped up in here?
- 家里的其他人都在花园里工作了差不多一整天,而我父亲却坐在椅子里不来帮一点忙。 The rest of the family spent nearly all day working in the garden but my father just sat in a chair and didn't lift a finger to help.
- 我们要在学校集合吗? Do we have to gather at the school?
- 今天我们要在外面吃饭。 We'll eat (or dine) out today.
- “你能扶我下楼吗?”他问道。“我想坐在花园里。我可以为梅格扔木棍。” "Would you help me down the stairs?" he asked. "I'd like to sit out in the garden. I can throw the stick for Meg. "
- 我们要在整风的基础上把党公开。 Following rectification we shall reveal our Party membership to the public.
- 今天的报纸说,一个人在花园里挖土时发现了一个大号铁质炮弹,这不是很奇怪吗? The newspaper today said that a man while digging in his garden found a big iron cannon ball, isn't that weird?
- 我们要在天亮前完成这项工作。 We'll have to finish the work before day.
- 今天的报纸说,一个人在花园里挖土时发现了一个大号铁质炮弹,这不是很奇怪吗? Today's newspaper said that a man dug up a cannon ball in his garden. Isn't that strange?
- 我们要在明天早晨悄悄地溜走。 Let us steal away tomorrow morning.
- 我们要在5月初处理好这宗财产。 We want to close on this property in early May.
- 我们希望在花园里有个游泳池。 We hope to have a swimming pool inside the garden.