- 我们能去滑雪吗? Can we go skiing?
- 您愿意明天去滑雪吗? Would you like to go skiing tomorrow?
- 彼特和詹妮来时,我们能去什么特别的地方喝东西吗? Is there anywhere in particular we can go for a drink when Peter and Jenny arrive?
- 他年纪太大了,不能去滑雪,他已是风烛残年了。 He's much too old to go skiing; he's got one foot in the grave!
- 我们可以在附近滑雪吗? Can we ski around here?
- 我们能不能去个暖和的地方? Can we go somewhere warm?
- 我们能去是我们的运气好。 It was lucky for us that we were able to go.
- 我们能定个时间谈谈吗? Shall we fix a time for a talk?
- 即使我们能去度假,我们可能也不想去。 Even if we can have take a vacation, we may not have want to.
- 我们能以鞭炮驱邪,你相信吗? Do you believe that we can use crackers to frighten away evil spirits?
- 我们去滑雪好吗? Shall we go skiing?
- 我能去吗? Could I go?
- 尼克:而且我们能滑雪。 Nick:And we can skate.
- 我还能去别的什么地方吗? Where else can I go?
- 我们能积攒起买辆新车的钱吗? Can we scrape up enough to buy a new car?
- 我们哪天去滑雪好吗? Shall we go skiing some day?
- 我们非常荣幸/荣幸之至能去参加这个宴会。 It would give as great/the greatest of pleasure to attend to banquet.
- 我们能折衷一下吗? Can we meet each other half way?
- 你能去给我发一封信吗? Will you go and post a letter for me?
- 我们能开窗吗?我都热死了。 Can we open the window? I'm roasting.