- 我们现在在哪儿? Li Where are we now?
- 我们现在在科学技术方面的创造,同我们这样一个社会主义国家的地位是很不相称的。 Our present contributions in these fields are far from commensurate with the standing of a socialist country such as ours.
- 我们现在在帝国大厦的第86层上。这里是今日的世界之巅。 We are on the top of the 86th floor of the Empire State Building. The highest point in the 'world' today.
- “他现在在哪儿?”“我要是知道就好了!” 'Where is he now?' 'I only wish I knew!'
- 我们现在在伦敦新桥下经过。 Now,we are passing under the new London Bridge.
- 谢谢。既然我们现在在中国,那我们就愿意用中国的方式来庆祝一下。 Thank you. We'd like to celebrate in Chinese way since we are now in China.
- 您现在在哪儿? Where are you now?
- 我们现在有很多事要做。 We have dozens of things to do now.
- 弗朗西斯:鲍勃,你现在在哪儿? Francis: Bob, where are you now?
- 我们现在可以公布这项政策了。 We can give publicity to the policy now.
- 拉丁语在2000年前也“胜利”了,但它现在在哪儿?尽管英语取得“胜利”,但要去中国经商,人们还是要学习中文。 In spite of the "victory" of English, if you are doing business in China, you would be well advised to learn Chinese.
- 我们现在正面临困难。 We are now up against difficulties.
- 我们现在需要的是意外之财。 What we need now is pennies from heaven.
- 我们现在来对对笔记好吗? Shall we compare notes now?
- 我们现在必须采取行动以防灾难。 We must act now to forestall disaster.
- 现在在我们党内和人民当中,也确实有一些问题需要得到解答。 At present there are some problems within the Party and among the people which call for solution.
- 如果他们现在在这里,我们就能庆祝他们的结婚纪念日了。 If only they were here now, we would be able to celebrate their wedding anniversary.
- DSL技术提供的这种速度将改变我们现在想像在家办公的方式。 The kind of speed delivered by DSL technology will change the way we think about working at home.
- 我们现在在新教学楼内。 Here we are in the new classroom building.
- 目前关于神族的消息停滞不前,能告诉我们开发小组现在在测试什么吗? SC-Source: Information about the Protoss has been very stagnant, can you enlighten us on what the development team is testing?