- 我们如何称呼一个王子? How shall we address a prince?
- 如何称呼外国人? How do you address foreigners?
- 赫:真有趣...我如何称呼你? Hector: How interesting... And your name?
- 我们如何从基因组看出一个有机体的外形? How can one tell the shape of an organism by looking at its genome?
- 很久很久以前有一个王子。那个王子很想跟公主结婚。但是找到公主不是很容易的。但是找到公主不是很容易的。 Once upon a time there was a prince. The prince wanted to marry a princess. He looked for a princess. But it was difficult to find the real one.
- 我们如何才能激发学。生为自己的学习负责呢? How can we galvanize the students into taking the responsibility for their own work?
- 我们如何能得到没有杂质的混凝土? How can we obtain the concrete free of these impurities?
- 我们用x表示一个未知数。 We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity.
- 于是上帝以泥土塑造出各种飞禽走兽,带它们到这人的面前,看他如何称呼它们。那人对每种动物的称呼就成了这种动物的名称。 So God formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds of heaven. He brought them to the man to see what he would call them,and whatever the man called each living creature,that was its name.
- 我们把书装进一个大纸板箱中。 We packed the books in a large carton.
- 这本书教我们如何写作。 The book is used to teach us how to write.
- 我们过了一个湿冷的冬天。 We had a sour winter.
- 上司派给我们一个紧急任务。 The boss gave us a rush job.
- 你能建议我们如何才能及时到达那吗? Can you suggest how we can get there in time?
- 我们需要一个有关健康的标准。 We need a yardstick for health.
- 我们学校与一个广场毗邻。 Our school neighbors on a square.
- 我们应该教会孩子如何明辨是非。 We must teach our children how to tell right from wrong.
- 我们需要一个谨慎的驾驶员。 We need a safe driver.
- 我们看到路上有一个急转弯。 We saw a sharp turn in the road.
- 我们如何转入那一主题? Did we get on to that subject?