- 我们多久没去看戏了? How long is it since we last went to the theatre?
- 除了约翰,我们都去看戏了,他留在家里。 We all went to the theatre except John; he remained at home.
- 昨晚我带我的秘书去看戏了,我知道你在想什么,但我们仅仅是好朋友而已。 I took my secretary to the theatre last night. I know what you're thinking, but we're just good friends.
- 哦,对了,这一路上你还没去过古城呢吧。那明天就带你去看一座明代的古城。 Oh, right, we haven't visited any ancient town all the way down here. Tomorrow I'll be taking you to an ancient town built in the Ming Dynasty.
- 海伦请我去戏剧俱乐部看戏了。 I went to the theatre club as Helen's guest.
- "是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。" "Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours."
- 他们一起去看戏。 They went to the theater together.
- 管理这一类事务的政府机关派了一个人来视察我们的机构。 The government which regulates such matters sent a man to look into our organization.
- 我们看戏去吧。 Let's go to the theater.
- 与这样一个穷家伙一起去看戏有失你的身份吗? Is it beneath your dignity to go to the theater with such a poor fellow?
- 他不能与我们一起去看电影的话,他太不走运了。 It's hard cheese for him if he can't go to the cinema with us (=it's his misfortune,not ours).
- 去剧院看戏是我们唯一的奢侈享受。 Going to the theatre is our only extravagance.
- 听说摄制组正在我们这里拍戏,村里人都去看希罕了。 Knowing that a film is being produced there, the villagers all went to see the spectacle.
- 他们去看戏真是乐事。 It's a great treat for them to go to the theater.
- 忽然间我们看见御林军来了,群众都跑去看皇帝向议院走去。 On a sudden we saw the guards come, and the crowd ran to see the king go by to the Parliament House.
- 你最近刚好,有精神去看戏吗? Do you feel up to going to the theater after your recent illness?
- “我们今晚去看电影吧。”“你说出了我的想法,我正在这么考虑。” Let's go to the cinema tonight. You took the words right out of my mouth; I was thinking of that.
- 咱们先去看戏,然後再吃吧。 Let's go to the theatre first and eat afterwards.
- 我总是这么倒霉,去看戏那天偏巧明星病了。 It was just my luck to go to the play on the day the star was ill.
- 这出戏吸引了满场观众;你真该去看的。 The drama drew a capacity audience; you should have gone to see it.