- 我们坐这儿可以吗? Can we sit here?
- 我今晚去东京,几天后回来。有三件行李放在这儿可以吗? I'm leaving for Tokyo. Tonight and I'll be back in a few days.Can I leave three pieces of luggage here?
- 吗 morphine
- 好吗,没关系,我们就坐这儿。 Well, it do not matter, we'll take it.
- 我们坐在树墩上休息。 We sat on a stump to take a rest.
- 我把文件放在这儿可以吗? Do you think I could put my documents here?
- 坐 to sit
- 我们呆在这儿可以更自在些。 We'd be better off staying right here.
- 晚上我们坐在平台上。 We sat on the terrace in the evening.
- 让小孩坐这儿 Set the baby down here.
- 这儿可以照相吗? May I take a picture here?
- 他建议我们坐火车去。 He made the suggestion that we go by train.
- 这儿可以拍照吗? Are we allowed to take pictures here?
- 我们坐在他的新车里兜风。 We spanked along in his new car.
- 这没多么大关系。我们就坐这儿。 It do not seem to matter much. We'll take it.
- 我们坐在火旁,围成个半圆形。 We sat in a semicircle about the fire.
- 你们这儿可以退空瓶子吗? Do you give refunds on empties?
- 请给我们一卡拉夫瓶水,可以吗? Can we have a carafe of ordinary water, please?
- 乘客乙:老爷爷,坐这儿吧。 Grandpa , please take my seat.
- 我们坐飞机到上海。 We are going to Shang Hai by plane.