- 我们在广场外见面好吗? Shall we meet outside the square?
- 星期二下午有空,我们在那时见面好吗? Tuesday afternoon is clear. Shall we meet then?
- 东方广场外墙施工WENS吊篮系统 WENS gondola for the outsicle wall finishing of the rie ntal Plaza project
- 如果你不离开这儿,我们在一、二个星期内可能给你一个工作。 If you stick around,we might have a job for you in a week or two.
- 你把窗户上的脏东西擦掉好吗? Can you wipe the muck off the windows?
- 我们在经济上是独立的。 We are financially on our feet.
- "喂," 史密斯小姐说 "你们为什么不说话,你们俩在做什么,我能问一问吗?" "Come on, " said Miss Smith, "has the cat got your tongue? What have you two been up to there, may I ask?"
- 我们在门廊等待直到雨停。 We waited in the porch until it stopped raining.
- 我们在日出之前到达了山顶。 We got to the top of the mountain before sunrise.
- "能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?" "你从那座大楼旁边走过去,在那个拐角处乘公共汽车去。" "Can you tell me how to get to the post office?" "You can make by that building and get on the bus at that corner."
- 我们在那儿碰见了两三个演员。 We fell in with two or three actors there.
- 在这个国家里,老人得到很好的照顾,青年人受到很好的教育。 In this country the old well cared and the young well educated.
- 目的探讨小切口非超乳白内障摘出术在外伤性白内障手术中的疗效与优点。 Objective To observe the surgical results of small incision cataract extraction in traumatic cataract.
- 我们在这个问题上与他们意见不一。 We differ from them on the issue.
- 我们用盐腌鱼。 We preserve fish in salt.
- "你问了修理需要多长时间吗?" "问了,但是工头不在,修理工不知道。" "Did you ask how long the repair would take?" "Yes, but the foreman wasn't there, and the mechanic couldn't say."
- 我们沿海滨散步。 We took a walk along the seashore.
- 天气条件不理想,当你在等待好时机起飞时,最好抓住后组主提带。 Grab the back risers while you wait to launch in unstable conditions.
- 我们无法给他安慰。 We could give him no comfort.
- 我们听见一声霹雳。 We heard a crack of thunder.