- 我们到哪一站了? What stop are we at?
- 你知道到哪一站下车呢? Do you know where I should get off?
- 这时就产生了这样一个问题,我们到哪去找所需要的投资资金。 Then arose the question where we were to get the investment funds needed.
- 绿色GDP推进到哪一步了?瓶颈在哪里? How far can green GDP go? Where's the bottleneck?
- 他在我们面前站了一会儿,然后示意我们到起居室去。 He stood in front of us for a moment and then gestured us to go into the living room.
- 有一次我们听到一声巨响,都立刻站了起来。 For once we heard a loud noise so we stood at once.
- 你要不要看电脑,看看哪一站发型对你最适合。 Would you like to look on the computer to see which one fits you best?
- 我们到旅馆时已很晚,只好勉强要了一间看不到风景的房间。 We reached the hotel late and had to settle for a room without a view.
- 哪一站最靠近中央大楼? Which stop is nearest to the Center Building?
- 有一天,我们到湖边发样书,划船至每一个岸边赠送有缘人。 One day, we went to distribute sample booklets by the lakeside, and we rowed a boat to various parts of the shore to find people with affinity.
- 你看到哪一页了? What page have you got up to?
- 我们到不了河岸。我们挣扎得越厉害, 越是喘不过气来。 We couldn't reach the bank.The harder we struggled, the more out of breath we be came.
- 这是哪一站? What station is this?
- 我们到我家隔壁或天母公园的溜冰场都可以。对了,你有多少溜冰鞋? We can either go to the one next to my house or the one in Tien Mou Park. By the way,do you have any spare skates?
- 我应在哪一站换车? At what station shall I change train?
- 选课截止到哪一天? When is the deadline for choosing classes ?
- 有一次,我们在睁不开眼的大风雪里足足站了半小时,进不了自己的家! Once we stood outside in a blinding snowstorm for half an hour, trying to get into our own house!
- 要是你们难以决定,那就在我离开之前,让我们到舷梯那儿谈一下吧。 If you're hesitant, let's just chat at gangway before I leave.
- 接下来是哪一站? What stop is next?
- 你想添加消息?但它到哪去了?呵,请记住只有发布了的消息才是可见。 Did you try to add a message? But where did it go? Well, remember that only published messages are visible.