- 我们会按时到达吗? Are we likely to arrive on time?
- 飞机会按时到达吗? Will the plane arrive on schedule?
- 会 be able to
- 你认为他无疑会按时到达吗? Do you think you have no doubt of his arrival in time?
- 我们会按时开证的。 We'll open the letter of credit at sight.
- 不会 unlikely
- 我们按时到达车站。 We get to the station on time.
- 会话 conversation
- 我们将准时到达吗? Are we arriving on time?
- 我们认为他不可能按时到达。 We don't think that he can arrive on time.
- 你们尽可放心,我们会按时交货的。 You may rest assured that the shipment will be duly delivered.
- 能准时到达吗? Can you get here on time?
- 我们会进一步帮助你的。 We will help you further.
- 船能正点到达吗? Will the ship arrive on time?
- 除非你加临时奖金鼓励干活的人们,否则这项工作不会按时完成。 The job won't be finished on time unless you jolly the men along with an occasional bonus.
- 你能告诉我什么时间到达吗? Would you please let me know when we get there?
- 我们会帮助你渡过难关。 We will see you through the difficulty.
- 除非有意外情况,我们应可按时到达。 Barring accidents, we should arrive on time.
- 十五分钟可以到达吗? Can I get there in about 15 minutes?
- 我们会给他们精神支持。 We will give them moral support.