- 如果我们接受这种修补,那么我们为什么不能接受克隆呢? If we accept this kind of tinkering,can't we accept cloning?
- 我们为什么不怕? Why are we not afraid of it?
- 那时,门徒暗暗地到耶稣跟前来,说,我们为什么不能赶出那鬼? Then the disciples, coming to Jesus privately, said, Why were we not able to cast it out?
- 你听我说,今天下午我们为什么不搞一次野餐呢? Tell you what; why don't we have a picnic this afternoon?
- 这是两个坐办公室的小伙子想出来的点子,他们能,我们为什么不能? That was simply dreamt up by two guys sitting in an office much like these offices. If they can do it, why can't we?
- 可惜的是我们为什么不早一点认识呢。 What a pity it is we didn't know each other sooner.
- 我们为什么要怕他呢? Why is it that we should be afraid of him?
- 我们为什么不看电影? Why do not we go to see a movie?
- 我们为什么不动? Why don't we play by ear?
- 我们为什么不到外边逛逛去呢? Why don't we go out somewhere?
- 为什么不把我们喝咖啡的时间改到10点? Why not change our coffee break to 10 o'clock?
- 我们为什么不一起去呢? Why don't we go together?
- 你为什么不想想看我们做父母的心情呢? Why will not you try to understand how we parents feel?
- 我真不懂我们为什么要替那些人担忧。 I fail to see any reason why we should worry ourselves about those people.
- 我们为什么不在门上安上个把手呢? Why do not we screw a handle on the door ?
- 为什么不到我们这里来一起吃晚餐呢? Why don't you come over and have dinner with us?
- 这时我才了解我们为什么迷路了,这不是迷路,而是师父带领我们在最好的时刻抵达这里。 I thus came to realize why I had seemed to lose my way. It was not losing my way, but Master guiding us to that place at the right moment.
- 我们为什么不去散步? Why don't we go for a walk?
- 你为什么不给我们的报纸报些文艺稿件呢? Why don't you contribute literary articles to our newspaper?
- 我们为什么要试演这么多次呢,我们不知试演了多少回了。 Why do we have so many previews? If they are shown once they are shown a dozen times.