- 我们一定要付租金吗? Are we obliged to pay for the rent?
- 我们一定要付租金吗? Are we obliged to pay for the rent?
- 你付租金吗? Are you paying rent?
- 我们一定要当心火灾。 We must watch for fires.
- 我们一定要设法满足广大民众的要求。 We must try to satisfy the needs of the multitude.
- 我们一定要他们遵守诺言。 We must peg them down to the promise.
- 我们一定要查明这件事的真相。你有线索吗? We must try to get to the bottom of it. Do you have any clues yet?
- 我们一定要遵守规矩。 We must observe the decencies.
- 我们一定要认识到自己的职责。 We must awake to our responsibilities.
- 我们一定要检举法官收受贿赂。 We must impeach the judge for taking bribes.
- 我们一定要彻底解开这个谜. We must get to the bottom of this mystery.
- 我们一定要得到一个肯定的答复。 We insist upon a definite answer.
- 我们一定要提高产品质量。 We must improve the quality of our products.
- 我们一定要为他安排一份工作。 We must fix him up with a job.
- 我们一定要叫他把完成的日期确定下来。 We must peg him down to a definite date for completion.
- 我们一定要更加认真的调查。 We should get down to research more earnestly.
- 我们一定要在这个城市彻底杜绝破坏公共财产的行为。 We must stamp out vandalism in this town once and for all.
- 我们一定要相互呼应。 We must take concerted action.
- 我们一定要彻底批判这些错误思想,绝对不能让它们流行。 We must firmly repudiate these wrong ideas and check their spread.
- 我们一定要戳穿这个谎言。 We must nail this lie.