- 戈登:我做错了甚么? Gordon: What have I done wrong?
- 我承认我做错了,但别因此而看不起我。 I admit I made a mistake,but don't hold it against me.
- 我很确定是粉红色的。我做错了什么吗? Mary: I'm pretty sure they're pink. Did I do something wrong?
- 虽然我做错了事,心中七上八下的,我却学会了忘记自己是个孤独的、有罪过的黑人兄弟。 Despite my guilt and uncertainty I learned to forget that I was a lone guilty black Brother.
- 如今,不知因我积了甚么德带挈你中了个相公,我所以带个酒来贺你。 Heaven knows how much you have cost me. Now I must have done some good deed to makeyou pass the examination. I've brought this wine to celebrate.
- 做错 misdo
- 我们坚持他们做一间独立的公司,非牟利的组织,他们做了甚么? We insisted it be a separate non-profit corporation from this church. And today, there are sixty thousand acres we manage.
- 是我看错了,还是这些确实是你们在那个花盆里栽的兰花? Do my eyes deceive me, or are those real orchids you have growing in that pot?
- 我做错了什么? What did I do amiss?
- 我做错啥了? IV. What did I do wrong?
- 我错了.没有借口.马后炮没甚么意思. I was wrong. Again, no excuses. Hind sight is always 20/20.
- 她做错了这件事。 She did it in error.
- 妻子对我做错的事大发牢骚。 My wife gave me an earful of things I'm doing wrong.
- 尝试找出我做错的事, Try figure out what I do to make it go bad
- 她没有意识到做错了事。 She was not aware of having done wrong.
- 那样做错了吗? Is that wrong?
- 约翰已意识到自己做错了事情。 John has been aware of having done something wrong.
- 如果他以为我会同意那样做,那他就完全判断错了。 If he thinks I'll agree to that he's fully miscalculated.
- 这样做错了。 It is wrong to do that.
- "我做错什么了吗?"她一脸无辜地问道。 "Have I done anything wrong?" She asked innocently.