- 伤心欲绝 extremely sad
- 欲绝 wild
- 绝 cut short
- 欲 longing
- 绝色 peerlessly beautiful
- 他悲恸欲绝。 He wrung his heart to the very core.
- 绝代 peerless
- 意欲 conation
- 老妇人叹着气叙说她的悲哀。 The old woman sighed out her grief.
- 绝佳 superexcellence
- 色欲 lust
- 她脸上露出悲哀。 Sorrow was manifest on her face.
- 绝杀 final hit
- 纵欲 lechery
- 欲盖弥彰 the more one tries to cover up (a secret, etc.) the more it will be known
- 绝佳的 superexcellent
- 占有欲的 possessive
- 绝经 menostasia
- 欲火 the fire of desire
- 决绝 break off relations